Property Cleaning Services

Professional Service You Can Trust.


Reduced Turnover

  • We Have One of the Lowest Turnover Rates in the Industry.
  • Less onboarding, recruitment and training means bigger savings for you.
  • Our high employee morale leads to increased production.
  • Better cleaning improves your customer service and customer experience.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If it’s not right, we’ll fix it.


Quality & Vetted Staff

We’re passionate about commercial cleaning.


Customized Services

Pick the cleaning services you need.


Personal Attention

Get the right team for your site.

Homes and Home Away from Home

If you lease short or long-term rental properties, you need a flexible, dependable cleaning service to come in between room and home turnovers.

It’s becoming more and more popular to rent houses and units for weeks or months at a time instead of years. So for property owners, that introduces the challenge of needing hybrid and on-demand cleaning services.

The advantage of Dallas Janitorial is that we already do it all. We conduct routine periodic cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting for almost any type of building or business, including hotels.
Our cleaning experience in the hospitality industry makes us the perfect choice for your property, whether your rentals are long-term, short-term, or a blend of both.

Whenever You Need Us

Since Dallas Janitorial works 24/7, we can provide exquisite property cleaning services whenever you need them. And since we don’t require long-term contracts, you can bring us in as needed, even if home or rental turnovers vary seasonally, or fluctuate all the time. That’s what makes us perfect for apartments, rental homes, and vacation properties.

You can also rest assured that you’re only paying for what you need. When you contact us via phone or email for a free quote, we customize your property clean-up prices depending on the square footage and number of rooms you need cleaned, plus any specialized services.

Modern bright office space

Whatever You Need

When you trust Dallas Janitorial with you property, you don’t have to worry about hiring any additional cleaning services for specialized tasks.

Does your property has any amenities or common areas like a lobby, event space, pool area, a gym or fitness center, food and beverage service, storage, and staff spaces? We have a diverse enough cleaning service background to take care of every aspect of a property.

Even if your property is undergoing repairs or renovations, our construction clean-up experience means we can also keep a job site safe, clean, and debris-free.

Property Clean-Up Service Done Right

All our property clean-up services come with our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Dallas Janitorial cleaning jobs will meet or exceed your expectations, or we go back in to make it right. That goes for all the extras as well as the essentials of property cleaning during home and room turnover.

While following the OSHA, EPA, and CDC guidelines, we deliver five-star property cleaning services every time- all the basics done right.

Modern bright office space

When it comes to comprehensive room and home cleaning, we do an intensive detailed job, with trash removal, standard kitchen, bathroom, and guest room services, including linens. We can do the carpets, clean, polish, and wax hard floors, polish surfaces, clean upholstery, wipe windows, and thoroughly take care of all frequent touch points.

Especially in the wake of Covid, it’s imperative to know which surfaces need soap, detergent, deep-cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing to protect the health and safety of residents, guests, and staff. At Dallas Janitorial, our wealth of experience means we can do it all with professionalism, high-standards, flexibility, and accomodating customer service.

So whether you’re welcoming a resident into a new home, or welcoming guests into their temporary home away from home, they’ll be greeted with the healthy, clean, comfortable experience they expect.

Ready to Keep Your Workspace Safe and Productive?

Schedule a call when it’s convenient for you.