There are several places in a workspace that require intensive cleaning. Often, people will think of restrooms or office desks. While these are important places to clean, there are others. In particular, a commercial carpet, which is often forgotten about, must be thoroughly cleaned routinely. This is because carpets can harbor many harmful viruses and bacteria.

Therefore, they must be properly cleaned and disinfected. In addition, you must maintain a routine cleaning schedule. If not, your workplace can feel dirty or unpleasant. 

In this article, we will provide business owners with a comprehensive guide on disinfecting carpets, what procedures to take, and how often it should be done. 

Understanding the Importance of Carpet Disinfection

Carpet fibers easily attract and hold dirt, grime, and stains, which is why they need regular disinfection like any other type of flooring. While soft surfaces are difficult to clean, professional cleaning services like Dallas Janitorial Services have the expert techniques and tools needed to properly disinfect them. 

There are numerous benefits to disinfecting carpets including:

  • Improved health and safety. Carpets accumulate dirt and dust over time. Regular carpet disinfection can help improve air quality, preventing employees and customers from experiencing breathing issues. 
  • Boosts visual appearance. Stains and dirt make your carpets look unsightly, taking away from your business’s professional appearance. Professional carpet cleaning helps remove these stains, boosting your carpet’s appearance. 
  • Extends your carpets’ lifespan. Help extend the life of your carpet fibers with regular disinfection and cleaning. Routine cleaning prevents deep stains and odors. 
  • Improved employee retention. A clean work environment decreases employee turnover and increases employee retention.
Image of stained commercial carpet, relevant to disinfection guide for business owners.

How to Prepare for Carpet Disinfection?

Now, before we explain how to disinfect a carpet, we must discuss preparatory steps to take. You can not just disinfect a carpet. Commercial workplaces typically have large equipment that must be moved beforehand. This is done to prevent any damage.

Clear Dirt and Debris with a Vacuum Cleaner

Before any deep cleaning service, you must thoroughly vacuum the entire area with a vacuum cleaner. This will remove any visible dirt and debris from the surface. By doing so, you are increasing the effectiveness of the carpet cleaner. While disinfectant is effective against viruses and bacteria, it is ineffective against larger residues. Therefore, you should spend the proper time vacuuming the area. While it is additional work, it is worth it.

Remove Any Equipment and Furniture

Afterward, you may want to move office equipment. Understandably, larger items such as desks or printers are too heavy to relocate temporarily. However, office chairs and other smaller items can be set aside. If these are not moved, they can impede the deep cleaning process.

Furthermore, you should outline the specific services you need. This is beneficial for both the customer and the cleaning company. For the customer, they can clearly explain exactly what they need.

Alternatively, the cleaning company will know what equipment they will require. Also, by doing so, they can provide an exact price estimate. This will help you understand if their service fees are within your budget. Direct communication on services needed and pricing can significantly improve the working process for both parties.

Follow These Steps when Disinfecting Carpets

Ready to disinfect your carpets? Follow these four steps for the best results:

Step 1: Apply Your Carpet Cleaner

Once you’ve vacuumed your carpet, apply your carpet cleaner of choice. Use a pump sprayer to apply the cleaner directly to the carpet. Always apply your cleaner directly to the carpet, never to your extractor.

Usually, dirt and debris is acidic. An alkaline carpet cleaner tends to work best to remove these contaminants. 

Step 2: Wait for the Carpet Cleaner to Sit

After you’ve applied your carpet cleaner, read the carpet cleaner bottle to see how much time they recommend letting the product sit. Typically, this takes between 5 and 10 minutes.

Step 3: Rinse It Off and Let it Dry

Now it’s time to rinse your carpet and let it dry. Add your extraction rinse to the tank of your carpet extractor. Extraction will neutralize any soap that’s left in the carpet. The extractor will pull up all of the dirt and grime that’s in your carpeting. 

After you’ve thoroughly rinsed your carpet, you must let it dry. We recommend using industrial fans to help speed up this process. The ground must be fully dry before you can move back furniture.


The Natural Approach Toward Carpet Disinfection

Many carpet cleaning solutions contain harsh chemicals that irritate the skin, nose, and lungs. To avoid potential irritation, there are natural ways you can clean your carpeting. Follow these tips and tricks to take a more natural approach to carpet cleaning:

  1. Use vinegar instead of a carpet cleaning solution. Vinegar with 6% acetic acid is a natural disinfectant that will not irritate the skin. However, it’s not considered an EPA-level disinfectant. We recommend mixing vinegar with water and salt to create a diluted mixture that won’t stain your carpet. 
  2. Apply vinegar with a spray bottle. Never pour vinegar directly onto your carpet. Instead, create your cleaning solution in a spray bottle and spray on your carpets. 
  3. Try baking soda. Baking soda is another effective solution that removes tough odors and stains. Sprinkle the baking soda onto the carpet and wait 30 minutes. Then, scrub the carpet with equal parts water and vinegar. 
  4. Spray essential oils for a natural scent. After cleaning, we recommend adding water and a few drops of lemon or lavender essential oil to a spray bottle. Spray it on your carpet to give it a refreshing smell. 

While natural cleaning methods can be effective, store-bought cleaning solutions are typically stronger and more potent, making them a better choice for filthy carpets and stubborn stains.

What is the Most Effective Method for Carpet Disinfection?

In addition to chemical and mixture-based solutions, steam cleaning can be an effective method of carpet disinfection and maintenance. It should be noted that not all carpet fibers are suitable for steam cleaners. So, to prevent any discoloration or damage, ensure that your carpet can be steam cleaned.

However, for suitable carpets, steam cleaning is quite a popular option. To begin with, it does not use any harsh chemicals. It is only using hot water. Therefore, steam cleaning is completely safe for those with skin sensitivities. In addition, it can require extensive amounts of time. While that may be a concern for some, it shouldn’t be. In reality, the extra exposure time and more thorough process allow for a deeper clean.

Similar to methods involving vinegar and baking soda, you must vacuum the carpet beforehand. Afterward, you thoroughly use steam cleaners and address the entire area. When doing so, make sure to open up all windows. Once steam cleaning is complete, you can use vinegar or baking soda. These are additional steps that can help deodorize and freshen the carpet.

A professional cleaner disinfecting a carpet

Consider These Practices to Maintain a Clean and Longer-Lasting Carpet

With proper care and cleaning, your carpeting can last a long time. Follow these tips to maintain your carpet fibers and prevent deep stains:

Vacuum Your Carpets Every Day

If you have carpets in your business, we recommend vacuuming them every day. Daily maintenance goes a long way in preventing dirt and stains. Plus, with regular cleaning, you won’t need to deep-clean your carpets as often. 

Use Doormats in High-Traffic Areas

Shoes bring in dirt and pollen, which can stain your carpets. Place doormats in high-traffic areas. For example, always keep doormats at the entrance of your building. 

Avoid Spilling Liquids on the Carpet

Try to avoid eating and drinking on your carpet. While this may be avoidable, immediately clean up any spills to prevent deep stains that will become hard to remove. 

Consider Professional Cleaning Services

If you don’t have the time to vacuum daily or spot clean, consider investing in professional cleaning services, such as Dallas Janitorial Services. Our cleaning services can be tailored to the unique needs of your business.

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Disinfect Carpet

How do you disinfect the carpet without washing it?

To disinfect carpets without washing it, vacuum your carpets, then sprinkle baking soda on top of the surface. After baking soda sits on the surface, vacuum it up.

Can I use vinegar to disinfect the carpet?

Vinegar is a natural way to disinfect carpets. While it is effective, keep in mind that it’s not as powerful as using a carpet cleaner purchased off the shelf.

Is there a spray to disinfect the carpet?

There are numerous sprays you can purchase to disinfect the carpet. Lysol, Clorox, and Resolve are all may sprayable carpet cleaners. 

How do you sanitize and deodorize the carpet?

To sanitize and deodorize the carpet, you will need a carpet cleaning solution and carpet extractor. You can rent a carpet extractor at your local hardware store.

How do you disinfect the carpet daily?

To disinfect your carpet daily, the best thing you can do is vacuum it every day. Regular vacuuming prevents dirt and dust from accumulating. 

What Can Dallas Janitorial Do for Your Business?

A professional carpet cleaner doing commercial carpet cleaning process, pertinent to disinfection guide.

Dallas Janitorial can do wonders for your business. A clean and healthy workplace can have long-term positive effects on employee morale. It can even help keep everyone safe. Moreover, we offer a plethora of great commercial cleaning services. We can provide routine cleaning and disinfecting tasks. In addition, we offer more extensive deep-cleaning services. These tasks include commercial carpet cleaning, commercial floor cleaning, and commercial window washing.

Our team of expert staff members will always work diligently and effectively. If you are interested in learning more or receiving a free quote, give us a call at 214-778-3629. We would love to work with you.

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