When people think about starting a business, the cost of commercial window cleaning services is not often a top concern. But, commercial windows need cleaning to maintain a clean appearance and atmosphere.

Attempting to clean commercial windows on your own is costly and time-consuming, and sometimes unsafe. For most businesses, the best option is to hire a commercial window cleaner. But, how much does it cost to clean commercial windows?

Calculating commercial window cleaning costs can be a bit tricky. This is because there is not usually a flat rate for window cleaning services. Instead, several factors can affect commercial window cleaning rates. However, once you understand what these factors are, and how they affect the costs, it’s not so challenging. From there, it’s easier to determine what it will cost to clean your commercial windows. 

Follow this guide to learn everything you need to know about how to price commercial window cleaning services.

Understanding Commercial Window Cleaning

Before getting into the cost of window cleaning, it’s also important to cover the value of window cleaning services. Why is commercial window cleaning so important?

Clean windows help send a positive message to staff, customers, and guests. No matter what industry you are in, the cleanliness of your property is very important to your company’s image. Clean windows are an essential, but often overlooked, part of commercial buildings.

Clean windows also allow you to maximize the quality of natural light you let into the building. This can set a better atmosphere and improve worker morale. On cold days, it can even provide a bit of natural warmth in the building.

Despite all of these benefits, most companies focus on one question when thinking about hiring professional window cleaners. That is, “How much does it cost to clean commercial windows?” 

As mentioned, window cleaning prices can vary depending on several factors. Commercial window cleaning services are almost always worth it. But to get the most value, you should understand the factors that go into commercial window cleaning rates.

7 Factors that Affect the Cost of Cleaning Commercial Windows

No two commercial buildings are exactly alike. As such, no two buildings will have the same window cleaning prices. However, it is much easier to estimate the cost of window cleaning services after you have assessed the following factors.

1. Size of Windows

Larger windows have more surface area and thus require more time and resources to clean. Some large windows may also require different equipment, such as a window mop, whereas smaller windows might only require a squeegee or a rag. Most small windows can be cleaned relatively quickly, which helps keep labor costs down significantly.

2. Number of Windows

Similar to window size, the number of windows also affects the total area being cleaned, which is a major factor in determining costs. A building with more windows will require more time and resources to clean. For instance, multi-story office buildings might need to spend more on window cleaning services than retail stores.

The number of windows is often the most important factor in determining window cleaning costs. This is especially true if the window cleaning company charges per window, rather than per hour. If you expect to be charged per window, the average cost tends to range from about $5 to $15 per window. Hourly rates tend to range from $40 to $70 per hour.

3. Design of the Windows

Most commercial windows have a relatively simple design. Many commercial buildings use large picture windows with no panes or similar designs. These types of windows allow for fast and efficient cleaning, meaning they keep cleaning costs down. However, more elaborate window designs can drive up the cost of window cleaning. 

For example, windows with more panes will be more difficult to clean, as the cleaners need to work around the panes. This increases the amount of labor required, which means higher cleaning rates.

4. Height of the Building, and Access to the Windows

The height of commercial buildings affects the cost of window cleaning for a couple of reasons. First, taller buildings typically have more windows to clean. But second, cleaning windows that are high off the ground requires specialized equipment. There are also safety concerns when cleaning high-rise buildings, which typically lead to increased rates as well. 

Window cleaners typically break multi-story commercial buildings down into three categories: multi-level, mid-rise, and high-rise. Here are the window cleaning prices according to height:


Multi-level buildings have between one and three floors. Additional equipment required to clean multi-level windows might include ladders and temporary scaffolding.


Mid-rise buildings are between four and six floors. Cleaning high-level windows in these buildings requires a suspension platform, ropes, and safety harnesses. This added equipment, plus the additional labor typically leads to a steep increase in window cleaning prices. Once you get above the third floor, costs increase by about $3 to $5 per window, with a 50% increase per floor.


High-rise buildings have seven or more floors. They require the same specialized equipment as mid-rise buildings, with even greater safety precautions. You can expect to pay at least $10 more per hour for a high-rise window cleaning than you would for other building types. However, most cleaning companies do not offer outdoor high-rise window cleaning. To clean the exterior of your high-rise buildings, you may need to hire a specialized service.

5. Location of the Commercial Building

Certain types of buildings require different procedures and regulations that can affect window cleaning costs. The most prominent example of this is hospitals and other healthcare settings. Hospitals have very strict regulations about cleanliness and disinfecting. And for a very good reason, too. This means window cleaners often need to take more time and use different cleaning materials, in these settings.

Geographic location can also affect window cleaning costs in a couple of different ways. For one, some areas simply have a higher cost of living than others. This can sometimes come with higher rates for all types of cleaning services. Besides that, some windows in certain areas are simply more exposed to natural elements. Windows that face harsher conditions will require more frequent and more frequent cleanings.

6. Frequency of Cleaning

Speaking of more frequent cleanings, window cleaning frequency is another factor that affects cleaning costs. The more often you clean your commercial windows, the less you will spend per cleaning. However, you will obviously pay for your window cleaning services more often. Window cleaning prices may vary depending on frequency.

Cleaning frequency will vary significantly depending on your location and industry. However, most commercial windows should be cleaned every one or two months. Here is some more information about what to expect when paying for commercial window cleaning at different time intervals.


A one-time window cleaning service, or annual window cleaning, will be very thorough. Professional window cleaners will typically spend a lot of time scraping and scrubbing each window during a one-time window cleaning. This takes a much longer time than more frequent cleanings. However, because it is a one-time service, the total cost may not be significantly greater than regular cleanings.


Monthly window cleanings are recommended in high-traffic areas or industries that require higher levels of cleanliness. Monthly window cleanings are still thorough but require less work than one-time cleanings. Monthly window cleanings are better for maintaining a consistently clean image. Some companies may also offer a better rate for recurring cleaning services.


Quarterly window cleanings occur roughly once every three months. These services are similar to monthly cleanings and are recommended for low- to moderate-traffic areas. Quarterly window cleanings offer good value, with fewer paid sessions than monthly window cleanings.

7. Specialty Services

Some specialized services may be needed from time to time when cleaning commercial windows. These services come with their own unique costs and should be factored in when budgeting for cleaning services.

Water Fed Pole Systems

A water-fed pole system uses a long, extendable pole with a brush attached at the end. The pole is attached to a water source, which uses a pump to dispense water on demand. Then, the water is scrubbed away using the brush. Water-fed pole systems are used for cleaning second or third-story windows without needing a ladder. This system offers fast, effective window cleaning without any cleaning chemicals. However, most window cleaning services charge unique rates for this service, if they offer it.

High Dusting

High dusting services are exactly what they sound like dusting services for high, hard-to-reach places. High dusting cleaning services for windows typically include skylights and elevated windows. These services usually require ladders or extended brushes and can take a bit of extra time and resources. As such, high dusting services also typically come with unique rates. Be sure to ask your cleaning company if they offer high dusting services if you have any hard-to-reach areas in need of cleaning.

Average Costs of Commercial Window Cleaning

After considering all of those factors, you may still be wondering what to expect when paying for professional window cleaning. To help provide a clearer image of the average cost of window cleaning services, please refer to the following table. 

However, it is important to remember that actual costs can still vary greatly depending on your unique needs and the condition of your windows. The best way to get an accurate estimate on your commercial window cleaning rates is to get a quote from a commercial window cleaning company.

FactorAverage Cost
Number of windows$5 to $15 per window
Building Height$10 per square foot
Cleaning frequency$40 to $75 per hour
Specialty servicesAdditional $10-$25 per hour above standard rates

DIY vs Professional Window Cleaning: Which Is More Cost-Effective?

Once you have calculated the cost of window cleaning, you may be wondering if it’s easier to do it yourself. In a lot of situations, DIY cleaning does save you time and money. Simple tasks like dusting and periodically wiping your window interiors can help save you time and money. But, in most cases, it is actually more cost-effective to hire professional window cleaners than to attempt to clean yourself.

DIY Window CleaningProfessional Window Cleaners
Upfront cost$$$$$ – Need to pay for all equipment and supplies yourself.$$$ – Only paying for labor
Time and LaborHeavy time and energy investmentNo investment at all, everything is taken care of by professional cleaners.
Cleaning qualityInconsistent. Depends on your ability and proficiency.Extremely reliable, consistent, and high-quality performance.
Risks and LiabilitiesMay be at risk of accidents or damage.Fully insured against accidents and damage.
SafetyCould be exposed to hazardous conditions.Equipped to handle potentially hazardous conditions.
Window ProtectionCould potentially damage windows with cleaning chemicals or equipment.Knows all the proper tools and cleaning chemicals to use when cleaning windows.

As you can see, there are several key advantages to hiring professionals when it comes to commercial window cleaning. Window cleaning is not always a straightforward and simple cleaning task. It often requires a lot of specialized equipment, and may also involve some risk. As such, it’s usually a better investment to trust professional window cleaners than to attempt the job on your own.

FAQs About the Cost of Commercial Window Cleaning

How much does it cost to clean the windows on a skyscraper?

Skyscraper windows are the most expensive to clean because there are so many floors and so many windows. Skyscraper window cleaning services can cost as much as $170 per hour.

How often should commercial windows be cleaned?

Commercial windows should be cleaned at least two or three times per year. However, this largely depends on your location and industry. Some commercial buildings may require monthly or bi-monthly window cleanings.

How long does it take to clean windows on a skyscraper?

Cleaning all of the windows on a skyscraper can often take up to a month. This figure depends on the size of the building and the size of the window cleaning team, however.

Are You In Need of Commercial Window Cleaning Services?

If you agree that hiring a commercial window cleaner is a worthwhile investment, then Dallas Janitorial Services can help you. Hiring Dallas Janitorial’s professional staff saves you time and energy, and also guarantees exceptional results.

You should never underestimate the value of having clean commercial windows. Clean windows mean a better and brighter working environment, which often means better productivity and guest satisfaction.

To learn more about the industries and regions we serve, or to receive a free quote contact us today.

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